Central Tennessee Regional Solid Waste Planning Board seeking additional evidence related to Middle Point Landfill expansion application

Planning Board Invites Interested Persons to Submit Requests to Expand or Restrict Court Record at Feb. 8th and Feb. 24th Meetings.

Pursuant to a recent court ruling by the Davidson County Chancery Court in BFI vs. Regional Board, the Central Tennessee Regional Solid Waste Planning Board is accepting requests from “interested persons.” The requests would expand or restrict the current record provided in court proceedings related to the Middle Point Expansion application last summer.   

The request to expand or restrict the current record must meet the following criteria:

  1. The request is submitted in writing or electronically;
  2. The request briefly describes the reason for the request made to the Board;
  3. The request includes the information to add or subtract from the record;
  4. The request is delivered by NOON on Friday, February  4, 2022 by either email to Chairman Bill Brock billbrock9000@gmail.com, or by mail or in-person delivery to: Rutherford County Mayor, Attn: CTRSWPB, County Courthouse, One Public Square, Room 101, Murfreesboro, TN  37130; and
  5. The request includes contact information for the person regarding the request;

Then the Board will accept the request for consideration at the February 8, 2022 meeting. Note:  For this process, an “interested person” does not include any citizen or resident who spoke at the June 28, 2021 or July 9, 2021 proceedings.  The current record already contains and will continue to contain all of those comments. The Central Tennessee Regional Solid Waste Planning Board will hold two meetings relating to the recent ruling.  Meeting details are: